

Women in their 40s are also welcome★Hyogo【Lounge Milky】

Women in their 30s / 40s are welcome♪ If you want to make your hostess-job debut early next year, We recommend “Milky”. You can work without worrying about your age, so it’s perfect for mature women. Please contact us! We are proud to have many gentlemen and elegant customers. That’s why everyone can work comfortably and happily. Also, we have taken outstanding measures to prevent corona. We are preparing an environment where everyone can work safely, so please come and see the atmosphere. We want you to work comfortably, so you can wear whatever you want. No need for revealing clothes. We don’t ask girls to do this or that!…


Flexible shift for your private time ★Hyogo【Mai】

Completely free shift! You can work at your own pace without straining yourself, so your private life will be fulfilled. Let’s work with a kind manager♪ You’re gonna be serving at the counter only so it’s easy! Inexperienced workers can make good money, so your wallet will always be happy. Of course, experienced people are also welcome. The benefits are substantial so If you are wondering if you should change jobs, please contact us. Our customers are all very familiar with each other, and you will be able to fit right in. If you have any problems, our very kind manager will follow up with you, so please do not…


Rare job offer that are rarely advertised★【Fantasia】Hyogo

Cozy casual bar. You can work without worrying about your age, so it’s recommended for adult women in their 40s. We don’t have many staff so you can work slowly and calmly. Our staff rarely quit so we rarely advertise for jobs. It’s been a while since we’ve had any openings, so please contact me as soon as possible! Our motto is “Freedom and fun!” So there’s no stiffness! The first priority is that you enjoy working with us. We have 20 years history here in Sannomiya so we have special security and reliability. Manager who has a large capacity and is trusted by both staff and customers, will follow…


Casual Karaoke Izakaya★【Seigetsu】Osaka

Recommended for girls who don’t really want to work at Lounge or Snack bars! Travel expenses are covered also, so your burden is zero. If you’re tired of the quotas and fines, please contact us. It’s super fun casual Izakaya! You don’t need to sit right next to the customers or light up their cigarettes. You don’t need to contact the customers and bring them like a hostess either, so it’s easy. If you have experience working in a cafe or serving customers, you will be able to learn quickly. Of course, if you have no experience, don’t worry, we’ll give you a good lecture. It’s so chill here so…


Free drop-off and pick-up♪【Kingyo】Hyogo

Being your usual self is totally ok! There is NO need to force yourself to get excited or to drink when you don’t want to. Please work leisurely (^^) It’s super chill here so you’ll keep this job for a long time for sure! You don’t have to sit next to the customer because you’ll be serving at the counter. It’s a small bar with mainly regular customers, so you’ll fit right in. Your shifts can be decided on a weekly basis based on your schedule, so you can enjoy your private life. Let’s make money while enjoying your hobbies and fun! We can be quite flexible, such as working…


Complete freedom! A hostess bar without a manager★【amusement bar Hyper】Hyogo

We are looking for counter ladies♪ You might be surprised at how much freedom there is here! Please work at your own pace and in your own way (*^^*) We don’t have a manager, so you can spend your time comfortably! Our staff is all new to here too! There are no manager or senior staff to tell you what to do bossily. You can work slowly and loosely. Everyone gets along well and laughs constantly here \(^o^)/ Why don’t you join us and make a happy bar? We all have a great relationship, so you will be able to fit right in. There are no quota, no leaflets handing…


This is a lounge hostess bar without a manager! 【Cyaan】Osaka

This is a cozy hostess bar with no manager. We are proud of the fact that our girls are very close to each other. “I can’t feel comfortable having manager around.” “I want to work with girls my own age”. This is the perfect place for you! Although we don’t have a manager, everyone works well together, so if you have any questions or problems, someone will be there to help you (*^^*). The changing rooms and restrooms are very clean, so you can spend your time comfortably. It’s recommended for people who works during the day but wants to make extra money on free times! There are no quotas,…



コロナでお仕事がなくなってしまった人、働きたいけど仕事が見つからない人…。当店は30代・40代はもちろん、50代の女性も頑張ってくれています!悩む前に一度面接に来てみませんか? いつ終わるかわからない今の状況…。職をなくした人や勤務日数を減らされた人もたくさんいると思います。当店はホステスはもちろん、ホールスタッフやドライバーなど、幅広く募集中。男女問わず募集しているので、一度ご連絡下さい。 自分ができそうなお仕事を教えてくれたらと思います(*^^*)家庭を優先しながら働けるので、プライベートもしっかり優先できますよ♪ 40才からスタートした未経験の人などもいるので、気負いしなくて大丈夫。人柄重視で容姿だけでは採用しないので、一度チャレンジしてみませんか? 気になることがあれば何でも聞いて頂けたらと思います。まずはお気軽にご連絡を♪ 店舗:Night湘南(ナイトしょうなん) 住所:神奈川県茅ヶ崎市幸町23-18 渡辺ビル2F 30代~50代の女性が活躍中★神奈川【Night湘南】



歌番組やラジオにも出演したことのある、エンターテイナーなマスターです!暗い時代でも明るく楽しく♪みんなで力を合わせて頑張りませんか?まだまだ間に合う冬バイト! 20名ほどでも満員になる小さくてこじんまりしたスナックです。音楽好きの楽しいマスターが待ってます。無理をせず自分のペースで働けるので、ストレスなく過ごせますよ。何かあったらマスターがきちんとフォローするので安心して下さい★ 無理のないペースで、週に1回でもお手伝いに来てくれたら嬉しいです。ナイトワークが初めての子も大歓迎(^^)未経験者さんがスタートしやすい環境です! 歌が好き・お料理が好き・お喋りが好き、などなど、あなたの得意なことを活かしてくれたらOK。お仕事は少しずつ慣れていってくれたらと思います♪ 人柄で採用するので、年齢や容姿は気にしないでください★明るい笑顔ができたら大丈夫。お気軽にご連絡を! 店舗:ふじ 住所:神奈川県川崎市川崎区東田町4-3 SSB川崎ビル6F 雰囲気や環境重視の人におすすめ★神奈川【ふじ】


30代40代歓迎!駐車場も完備★神奈川【すなっく 花ゆら(はなゆら)】

コロナで職を失った人も是非ご連絡下さい★30代40代大歓迎です。優しくて思いやりのあるママだから安心! 今までにないこんな時代…。お仕事がなくて大変な思いをされている人も多いと聞きます…。特に30代40代の女性で、「ナイトワークしたいけど、年齢でひっかかってる」という人、一度面接にきてみませんか? 「花ゆら」は年齢関係なく人柄重視で採用致します。一緒に力を合わせて頑張りましょう(^^)お料理好き、裁縫が得意などなど大歓迎です!あなたの得意なことを聞かせて下さいね。 ちょっぴり天然でざっくばらんのママがしっかりあなたをサポートします。幅広い年代の女の子活躍中。みんな協力しあって頑張ってくれてます。 駐車場完備なので車での通勤も可能。わからないことは何でも聞いて下さいね。まずはお気軽にご連絡頂けたらと思います(^^) 店舗:すなっく 花ゆら(はなゆら) 住所:神奈川県平塚市明石町11-15 ジュネスⅠ 2F 年齢不問!40代歓迎♪神奈川【花ゆら】